- Tom delivered an oral presentation at the Entomological Society of Ontario annual general meeting held at University of Toronto Scarborough on October 4-6 2024. Talk title: "Predation on monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus L.) by European mantis (Mantis religiosa) during the fall migration is size-selective"
- Tom was quoted in an Orono Times article highlighting the 8th annual community monarch tagging event held September 14th in Newcastle, Ontario - Click HERE to read more!
- Tom was quoted in the the Spring 2024 edition of ON Nature magazine in an article entitled "Protecting all that hops, slithers and crawls" by Celia Milne. The article discusses the threats facing reptiles and amphibians in Canada, including the Small-mouthed Salamander. See the full article HERE
- Honours thesis student Haley Grieve win for best use of visuals and places 2nd overall in the Trent University 3MP competition, for her talk entitled: "The secret night-life of salamanders: the factors impacting nocturnal salamander foraging patterns". See her presentation HERE
- Honours thesis student Beck Bugeya delivers an excellent presentation as part of the Trent University 3MP competition for their talk entitled "Crayfish concerns: potential impacts of exotic crayfish on endangered salamanders" See Beck's presentation HERE.
- Haley Grieve and Beck Bugeya both delivered oral presentation as part of the Canadian Herpetological Society Virtual Conference in February. Great work!
- On November 14th I gave a presentation about our salamander research on Pelee Island at Trent University's Conservation Café. The talk was entitled: "Understanding and conserving endangered salamanders on Pelee Island, Ontario".
- Tom interviewed by Dan Karpenchuk (WBFO NPR) about the monarch tagging work we have been doing in Newcastle, ON. [Interview starts at 3:03]
- I presented at the Canadian Herpetological Society conference in Ottawa (Sept 15-17) on our Pelee Island salamander work. The talk was entitled: "Lessons on constructing effective breeding ponds for imperilled Ambystoma salamanders based on data collected from Pelee Island, Ontario". [CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO]
- My research on Caterpillar Eyespots highlighted in the Fall edition of Ontario Insects, the newsletter for the Toronto Entomology Association (TEA). This was a follow-up from the invited talk in April 2023.
- Trent University modifies the curb along Gzowski Way to help mitigate salamander road mortality. Story here!
- Riley Bowman, Oliva Gaetz, and myself published an article in The Canadian Herpetologist newsletter (Volume 12 Number 1 Winter 2022/2023) about the need for road mortality mitigation along Gzowski Way road on Trent University campus. Title: "Trent University currently considering action required to mitigate mortality risk to salamanders on campus during their spring migration".
- "THE ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF EYESPOTS IN CATERPILLARS" Talk to the Toronto Entomologists' Association. Saturday, April 22, 2023 by Zoom. Recording here!
- "Understanding unisexual Ambystoma complexes in Ontario, and how to conserve them" Talk to Trent Herpetological Society. February 6 2023.
- "Understanding and Conserving the Endangered Small- mouthed Salamander Complex on Pelee Island" Talk to Peterborough Field Naturalists (Jan 2023)
- Pinegrove Productions: The Pelee Island Salamander Complex [Educational Video]
- Pelee Island Research Webinar hosted by Ontario Nature [T.Hossie starts @ 53:54]
- Provincial Report: Trent University’s Pelee Island salamander inventory and monitoring projects
- Advised and fact checked an episode of True Facts: Deception in the Rainforest by Ze Frank, featuring some of my footage of snake-mimic caterpillars.
- Frontiers Conversations: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Inaugural Webinar: "New Perspectives and Emerging Directions in Predator-Prey Functional Response Research" by Thomas Hossie & Dennis Murray. [Click to see recording on YouTube]
- Snake Fake: For a plump caterpillar with no defensive body parts, masquerading as a deadly viper is an effective adaptation for survival in the Peruvian Amazon. bioGraphic
- We received new SARSF funding to continue our salamander research on Pelee Island. See the Press Release here!
- I was quoted in Nature News in an article entitled: Toad tadpoles turn homegrown poisons on each other
- Our review paper in OIKOS was selected as Editor's Choice in February 2017!
- Feature article in The Arthur on my salamander research: Trent funded to study endangered Salamander species
- Trent University Press Release for our 3-years of funding to study Small-mouthed salamanders
- Our paper on multi-component deceptive signals was covered by Carl Zimmer at the New York Times! - Click here!
- Our research is covered by BBC Earth: Six ways that animals use fake eyes: A fresh look at the science of eyespots reveals some modern surprises
- Our paper on caterpillar eyespots was the topic of a BBC Nature article - Click here to read the BBC article!
- I was interviewed on the Journal of Zoology Podcast (Episode 5) to discuss our paper examining anti-predator responses in the face of variable predation risk - Click here to listen!