Peer-reviewed Articles in Scholarly Journals
Submitted / In Review / Accepted:
Smith, G., Bare, E., Hossie, T.J., Muray D.L. (In Review) Differential habitat suitability and connectivity across constituents of an endangered salamander community.
Bare, E., Bogart, J.P., Wilson, C., Murray, D.L., Hossie, T.J. (2023) Diversity and composition of mixed-ploidy unisexual salamander assemblages reflect the key influence of host species. Oecologia 202:807–818
Hossie, T. J., Murray, D.L. (2023) Editorial: New Perspectives and Emerging Directions in Predator-Prey Functional Response Research: Hommage to C.S. Holling (1930-2019). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Kikuchi, D., Allen, W. A., Arbuckle, K., Briolat, E., Burdfield Steel, E., Cheny, K.,…Hossie, T.J. … Exnerova, A. (2023) The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Yeung, E.J., Klemet-N'Guessan, S., Hossie, T.J., Fox, M. (2023) Boldness, movement and exploration tendency in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in southern Ontario. Journal of Fish Biology 103:790-797
Hossie, T.J., Hamr, P. (2022) First records of White River Crayfish (Procambarus acutus) in Canada on Pelee Island, ON, with notes on other crayfish species present and their habitats. Freshwater Crayfish 27:9–16
Piccolo, H., Beresford, D.V., Hossie, T.J. (2022) Selfish herd effects depend on prey crypsis. Biology Letters 18: 20220242.
Gobin, J., Hossie, T.J., Derbyshire, R.E., Sonnega, S., Cambridge, T.W., Scholl, L., Kloch, N.D., Scully, A., Thalen, K., Smith, G., Scott, C., Quinby, F., Reynolds, J., Miller, H.A., Faithfull, H., Lucas, O., Dennison, C., McDonald, J., Boutin, S., O'Donoghue, M., Krebs, C.J., Boonstra, R., Murray, D.L. (2022) Functional responses shape node and network level properties of a simplified boreal food web. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 898805.
Clark, C., Hossie, T.J., Beresford, D.V. (2021) Density-dependent cannibalism in dragonfly nymphs (Odonata: Anisoptera) overwintering in temperate freshwater ponds. Environmental Entomology.
Hossie, T.J., Gobin, J. Murray, D.L. (2021) Confronting missing ecological data in the age of pandemic lockdown. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 669477. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.669477
Hossie, T.J., Chan, K., Murray, D.L. (2021) Increasing availability of palatable prey induces predator-dependence and increases predation on unpalatable prey. Scientific Reports 11: 6763.
Ward, M., Hossie, T.J. (2020) Do existing constructed ponds on Pelee Island, Ontario match the habitat requirements of endangered Ambystoma larvae? Wetlands 40: 2097-2108
Mills, P.B., Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2020) Niche determinants in a salamander complex: Does hybridism or reproductive parasitism explain patterns of distribution? Ecosphere 11: e03265
Ferreira, C., Hossie, T.J., Jenkins, D., Wehtje, M., Austin, C., Boudreau, M., Chan, K., Clement, A., Hrynyk, M., Longhi, J., MacFarlane, S., Majchrzak, Y., Otis, J., Peers, M., Rae, J., Seguin, J., Walker, S., Watt, C., Munday, A., Murray, D.L. (2019) The recovery illusion: what is delaying the rescue of imperiled species? BioScience 69: 1028–1034
Myette, A., Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2019) Defensive posture in a terrestrial salamander deflects predatory strikes irrespective of body size. Behavioral Ecology 30: 1691–1699
Hossie, T.J., MacFarlane, S., Clement, A., Murray, D.L. (2018) Threat of predation alters aggressive interactions among spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) larvae. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 3131-3138 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3892
Chan, K., Boutin, S., Hossie, T.J., Krebs, C.J., O'Donoghue, M., Murray, D.L. (2017) Improving the assessment of predator functional responses by considering alternate prey and predator interactions. Ecology DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1828
Hossie, T.J., Landolt, K., Murray, D.L. (2017) Determinants and co-expression of anti-predator responses in amphibian tadpoles: a meta-analysis. OIKOS doi: 10.1111/oik.03305
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2016) Spatial arrangement of prey affects the shape of ratio-dependent functional responses in strongly antagonistic predators. Ecology doi: 10.1890/15-1535
Skelhorn, J., Holmes, G.G., Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2016) Eyespots. Current Biology 26: R52-R54.
Ferreira, C., Bastille-Rousseau, G., Bennett, A., Ellington, H., Terwissen, C., Austin, C., Borlestean, A., Boudreau, M., Chan, K., Forsythe, A., Hossie, T., Landolt, K., Longhi, J., Otis, J.A., Peers, M., Rae, J., Seguin, J., Watt, C., Wehtje, M., Murray, D.L. (2016) The evolution of peer review as a basis for publication in ecology: Directional selection towards a robust discipline. Biological Reviews 91: 597-610. doi: 10.1111/brv.12185
Skelhorn, J., Holmes, G., Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2015) Multi-component deceptive signals reduce the speed at which predators learn that prey are profitable. Behavioral Ecology doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv135
Hossie, T.J., Skelhorn, J., Breinholt, J.W., Kawahara, A.Y., Sherratt, T.N. (2015) Body size affects the evolution of eyespots in caterpillars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112: 6664-6669.
Ponce, F., Breinholt, J., Hossie, T.J., Barber, J., Janzen, D., Hallwachs, W., Kawahara, A. (2015) A molecular phylogeny of Eumorpha (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and the evolution of anti-predator larval eyespots. Systematic Entomology 40: 401-408.
Skelhorn, J., Dorrington, G., Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2014) The position of eyespots and thickened body segments influence their protective value to caterpillars. Behavioral Ecology 25: 1417-1422.
Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2014) Does defensive posture increase mimetic fidelity of caterpillars with eyespots to their putative snake models? Current Zoology 60: 76-89
Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2013) Defensive posture and eyespots deter avian predators from attacking caterpillar models. Animal Behaviour 86: 383-389
Nitychoruk, J.M., Gutowsky, L.F.G., Harrison, P.M., Hossie, T.J., Power, M., Cooke, S.J. (2013) Sexual and seasonal dimorphism in adult adfluvial bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 480-488
Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N., Janzen, D., Hallwachs, W. (2013) An eyespot that “blinks”: an open and shut case of eye mimicry in Eumorpha caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Journal of Natural History 47: 2915-2926
Hossie, T.J., Hassall, C., Knee, W., Sherratt, T.N. (2013) Species with a chemical defence, but not chemical offence, live longer. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1598-1602
Hossie, T.J., Sherrat, T.N. (2012) Eyespots interact with body colour to protect caterpillar-like prey from avian predators. Animal Behaviour 84:167-173
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2012) Assessing behavioural and morphological responses of frog tadpoles to temporal variability in predation risk. Journal of Zoology 288: 275-282
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2011) Effects of structural refuge and density on foraging behaviour and mortality of hungry tadpoles subject to predation risk. Ethology 17: 1-9
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2010) You can’t run but you can hide: refuge use in frog tadpoles elicits density-dependent predation by dragonfly larvae. Oecologia 163: 395-404
Hossie, T.J., Ferland-Raymond, B., Burness, G., Murray, D.L. (2010) Morphological and behavioural responses of frog tadpoles to perceived predation risk: A possible role for corticosterone mediation? ÉcoScience 17: 100-108.
Book Reviews
Hossie, T.J. (2012) Review of the book Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America by Wagner, D.L., Schweitzer, D.F., Sullivan, J.B., and Reardon, R.C. Entomological Society of Canada Bulletin 44: 82-83.
Government Reports
Hossie, Thomas, J. 2018. Recovery Strategy for Small-mouthed Salamander (Ambystoma texanum) and Unisexual Ambystoma Small-mouthed Salamander dependent population (Ambystoma laterale - texanum) in Ontario. Ontario Recovery Strategy Series. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough, Ontario. vii + 45 pp.
Grey Literature
Hossie, T.J., Smith, G., Murray, D.L. (2020) Final Report: Identifying Potential Sites for Enhancing Breeding and Migration Habitat for Endangered Small-Mouthed Salamanders on Pelee Island (RF_23_18_Trent6). Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. 40pp.
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2020) Assessing the population size, assessing threats, and characterizing critical habitat for Small-mouthed salamander and Unisexual Ambystoma on Pelee Island (SARSF_23_18_Dmurr2). Species at Risk Stewardship Program. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. 68pp.
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D. L. (2018) Final Report: Assessing the population size, genetic structure, critical habitat, and predation threats in Small-mouthed salamanders (SAR-00109). Species at Risk Stewardship Fund. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 126pp.
Submitted / In Review / Accepted:
Smith, G., Bare, E., Hossie, T.J., Muray D.L. (In Review) Differential habitat suitability and connectivity across constituents of an endangered salamander community.
Bare, E., Bogart, J.P., Wilson, C., Murray, D.L., Hossie, T.J. (2023) Diversity and composition of mixed-ploidy unisexual salamander assemblages reflect the key influence of host species. Oecologia 202:807–818
Hossie, T. J., Murray, D.L. (2023) Editorial: New Perspectives and Emerging Directions in Predator-Prey Functional Response Research: Hommage to C.S. Holling (1930-2019). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Kikuchi, D., Allen, W. A., Arbuckle, K., Briolat, E., Burdfield Steel, E., Cheny, K.,…Hossie, T.J. … Exnerova, A. (2023) The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Yeung, E.J., Klemet-N'Guessan, S., Hossie, T.J., Fox, M. (2023) Boldness, movement and exploration tendency in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in southern Ontario. Journal of Fish Biology 103:790-797
Hossie, T.J., Hamr, P. (2022) First records of White River Crayfish (Procambarus acutus) in Canada on Pelee Island, ON, with notes on other crayfish species present and their habitats. Freshwater Crayfish 27:9–16
Piccolo, H., Beresford, D.V., Hossie, T.J. (2022) Selfish herd effects depend on prey crypsis. Biology Letters 18: 20220242.
Gobin, J., Hossie, T.J., Derbyshire, R.E., Sonnega, S., Cambridge, T.W., Scholl, L., Kloch, N.D., Scully, A., Thalen, K., Smith, G., Scott, C., Quinby, F., Reynolds, J., Miller, H.A., Faithfull, H., Lucas, O., Dennison, C., McDonald, J., Boutin, S., O'Donoghue, M., Krebs, C.J., Boonstra, R., Murray, D.L. (2022) Functional responses shape node and network level properties of a simplified boreal food web. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 898805.
Clark, C., Hossie, T.J., Beresford, D.V. (2021) Density-dependent cannibalism in dragonfly nymphs (Odonata: Anisoptera) overwintering in temperate freshwater ponds. Environmental Entomology.
Hossie, T.J., Gobin, J. Murray, D.L. (2021) Confronting missing ecological data in the age of pandemic lockdown. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 669477. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.669477
- GitHub link with data & code used to generate Figure 1:
Hossie, T.J., Chan, K., Murray, D.L. (2021) Increasing availability of palatable prey induces predator-dependence and increases predation on unpalatable prey. Scientific Reports 11: 6763.
- Data available on figshare:
Ward, M., Hossie, T.J. (2020) Do existing constructed ponds on Pelee Island, Ontario match the habitat requirements of endangered Ambystoma larvae? Wetlands 40: 2097-2108
Mills, P.B., Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2020) Niche determinants in a salamander complex: Does hybridism or reproductive parasitism explain patterns of distribution? Ecosphere 11: e03265
Ferreira, C., Hossie, T.J., Jenkins, D., Wehtje, M., Austin, C., Boudreau, M., Chan, K., Clement, A., Hrynyk, M., Longhi, J., MacFarlane, S., Majchrzak, Y., Otis, J., Peers, M., Rae, J., Seguin, J., Walker, S., Watt, C., Munday, A., Murray, D.L. (2019) The recovery illusion: what is delaying the rescue of imperiled species? BioScience 69: 1028–1034
Myette, A., Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2019) Defensive posture in a terrestrial salamander deflects predatory strikes irrespective of body size. Behavioral Ecology 30: 1691–1699
- Data available on DataDryad:
Hossie, T.J., MacFarlane, S., Clement, A., Murray, D.L. (2018) Threat of predation alters aggressive interactions among spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) larvae. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 3131-3138 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3892
Chan, K., Boutin, S., Hossie, T.J., Krebs, C.J., O'Donoghue, M., Murray, D.L. (2017) Improving the assessment of predator functional responses by considering alternate prey and predator interactions. Ecology DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1828
Hossie, T.J., Landolt, K., Murray, D.L. (2017) Determinants and co-expression of anti-predator responses in amphibian tadpoles: a meta-analysis. OIKOS doi: 10.1111/oik.03305
- Editor's Choice February 2017
- Data available on DataDryad:
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2016) Spatial arrangement of prey affects the shape of ratio-dependent functional responses in strongly antagonistic predators. Ecology doi: 10.1890/15-1535
- Data available on figshare:
Skelhorn, J., Holmes, G.G., Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2016) Eyespots. Current Biology 26: R52-R54.
Ferreira, C., Bastille-Rousseau, G., Bennett, A., Ellington, H., Terwissen, C., Austin, C., Borlestean, A., Boudreau, M., Chan, K., Forsythe, A., Hossie, T., Landolt, K., Longhi, J., Otis, J.A., Peers, M., Rae, J., Seguin, J., Watt, C., Wehtje, M., Murray, D.L. (2016) The evolution of peer review as a basis for publication in ecology: Directional selection towards a robust discipline. Biological Reviews 91: 597-610. doi: 10.1111/brv.12185
Skelhorn, J., Holmes, G., Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2015) Multi-component deceptive signals reduce the speed at which predators learn that prey are profitable. Behavioral Ecology doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv135
- Covered by Carl Zimmer at the New York Times! - Click here!
Hossie, T.J., Skelhorn, J., Breinholt, J.W., Kawahara, A.Y., Sherratt, T.N. (2015) Body size affects the evolution of eyespots in caterpillars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112: 6664-6669.
Ponce, F., Breinholt, J., Hossie, T.J., Barber, J., Janzen, D., Hallwachs, W., Kawahara, A. (2015) A molecular phylogeny of Eumorpha (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and the evolution of anti-predator larval eyespots. Systematic Entomology 40: 401-408.
Skelhorn, J., Dorrington, G., Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2014) The position of eyespots and thickened body segments influence their protective value to caterpillars. Behavioral Ecology 25: 1417-1422.
Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2014) Does defensive posture increase mimetic fidelity of caterpillars with eyespots to their putative snake models? Current Zoology 60: 76-89
Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N. (2013) Defensive posture and eyespots deter avian predators from attacking caterpillar models. Animal Behaviour 86: 383-389
Nitychoruk, J.M., Gutowsky, L.F.G., Harrison, P.M., Hossie, T.J., Power, M., Cooke, S.J. (2013) Sexual and seasonal dimorphism in adult adfluvial bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 480-488
Hossie, T.J., Sherratt, T.N., Janzen, D., Hallwachs, W. (2013) An eyespot that “blinks”: an open and shut case of eye mimicry in Eumorpha caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Journal of Natural History 47: 2915-2926
Hossie, T.J., Hassall, C., Knee, W., Sherratt, T.N. (2013) Species with a chemical defence, but not chemical offence, live longer. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1598-1602
Hossie, T.J., Sherrat, T.N. (2012) Eyespots interact with body colour to protect caterpillar-like prey from avian predators. Animal Behaviour 84:167-173
- Supplementary material
- Covered by BBC Nature - Click here to read the BBC article!
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2012) Assessing behavioural and morphological responses of frog tadpoles to temporal variability in predation risk. Journal of Zoology 288: 275-282
- See interview on Journal of Zoology Podcast (Episode 5) - Click here to listen!
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2011) Effects of structural refuge and density on foraging behaviour and mortality of hungry tadpoles subject to predation risk. Ethology 17: 1-9
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2010) You can’t run but you can hide: refuge use in frog tadpoles elicits density-dependent predation by dragonfly larvae. Oecologia 163: 395-404
Hossie, T.J., Ferland-Raymond, B., Burness, G., Murray, D.L. (2010) Morphological and behavioural responses of frog tadpoles to perceived predation risk: A possible role for corticosterone mediation? ÉcoScience 17: 100-108.
Book Reviews
Hossie, T.J. (2012) Review of the book Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America by Wagner, D.L., Schweitzer, D.F., Sullivan, J.B., and Reardon, R.C. Entomological Society of Canada Bulletin 44: 82-83.
Government Reports
Hossie, Thomas, J. 2018. Recovery Strategy for Small-mouthed Salamander (Ambystoma texanum) and Unisexual Ambystoma Small-mouthed Salamander dependent population (Ambystoma laterale - texanum) in Ontario. Ontario Recovery Strategy Series. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough, Ontario. vii + 45 pp.
Grey Literature
Hossie, T.J., Smith, G., Murray, D.L. (2020) Final Report: Identifying Potential Sites for Enhancing Breeding and Migration Habitat for Endangered Small-Mouthed Salamanders on Pelee Island (RF_23_18_Trent6). Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. 40pp.
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D.L. (2020) Assessing the population size, assessing threats, and characterizing critical habitat for Small-mouthed salamander and Unisexual Ambystoma on Pelee Island (SARSF_23_18_Dmurr2). Species at Risk Stewardship Program. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. 68pp.
Hossie, T.J., Murray, D. L. (2018) Final Report: Assessing the population size, genetic structure, critical habitat, and predation threats in Small-mouthed salamanders (SAR-00109). Species at Risk Stewardship Fund. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 126pp.